Soup’s On! Try this four-ingredient recipe that warms our heart.

This little number was adapted from an old college favorite and spruced up slightly for a delicious family lunch or dinner. It’s super easy, pretty inexpensive and darn tasty. And the recipe is so flexible! Mix up the ingredients using tortellinis, ground hamburger, shrimp, chicken meatballs or fresh basil leaves. Anything goes!

Ingredient quantities can be varied based on the size of your family. This particular recipe will feed approximately two adults and two kids.


  • 1 Family Size can of Campbell’s Tomato Soup (I add milk instead of water, just make sure you don’t keep the temperature too high when heating or the milk may curdle)– the organic aisles of the grocer also have a DELISH tomato soup that comes in a box.
  • 12 oz. of dry elbow macaroni (approx. ¾’s of a 16 oz. box)
  • 3 or 4 sweet Italian sausage links, removed from casing (I actually prefer the ground turkey sausage, slightly healthier)
  • ½ box of fresh packaged baby spinach


  • Remove sausage from casing and crumble into fry pan. Cook thoroughly.
  • Meanwhile, boil elbow macaroni in large pasta pot per package directions.
  • Once macaroni is cooked, drain and place back into pot. Pour in tomato soup and add water (or milk) per directions.
  • Add in sausage crumbles and spinach. Heat until soup is warmed through and spinach is wilted.
  • Serve in large bowls and top with grated Parmesan cheese. Mmmmm.
  • Tip: To make this more kid-friendly, let them top the soup with Parmesan or Cheese Goldfish crackers.

I serve this with crusty sourdough bread with melted cheddar cheese. Delicious. Enjoy!

Do you have some simple soup recipes that keep you warm in this cold weather? Do share and inspire other families with new and delicious meals!

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