Colorful Beasts Collage Workshop with Susan Schwake at Main Street Art!

Feeling the need for some inspiration and looking for creative art activities to do with your children? You must pick up a copy of the bestselling book “Art Lab for Kids” by Susan Schwake. Her book includes 52 lessons of drawing, painting, printmaking, collage and mixed media. The best part? Her lessons are designed to be open-ended and used many times to create a variety of different outcomes!

Colorful Beasts Workshop with Susan Schwake

Sign up for the Colorful Beasts Workshop with the extremely talented artist, educator and author, Susan Schwake, and take part in a workshop from her her book “Art Lab for Kids: Express Yourself”. Susan is best known for her bold use of color in her nature-inspired paintings and for her playful-process oriented teaching style.

This Colorful Beasts Collage Workshop is a great way for students to embrace creative thinking and share their own voice. ​This workshop is for children ages 5 & up and is $5 per child.

Registration is required. You can register online.

Learn more about Susan and her work here.

Colorful Beasts Collage Workshop
Main Street Art
75 Main Street Newfields, NH
Saturday, November 10, 2018; 1:00pm-3:00pm

Upcoming Class

Mommy & Me Cookie Decorating for all ages on Sunday, November 11 from 1:00pm-4:00pm. The cost is $40 per child and adult

Local Newfields pastry artist Vivan Nichols (known for her Sweetly Wrapped Cookies) will be doing a family cookie decorating workshop just in time for the holidays!

Parent and child can work together in a group for this workshop. Price includes cookie kit for 1-parent/1-child family group, including all frostings, sprinkles, and cookies. Cookie kits are $10 per additional person in a family group; take advantage of our 10% sibling discount!

Registration required by November 7th.

Mommy & Me Cookie Decorating (with Vivan Nichols)
Main Street Art
75 Main Street Newfields, NH
Sunday, November 11, 2018;1:00pm-4:00pm

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