Explaining the Democratic process – three great Election books for kids!

Election Day is upon us! Depending on your child’s age, they may have heard things from their classmates about the people vying for presidency. Whether or not you are comfortable talking about politicians with your child, it is easy to talk about the importance of voting!

We always take my daughter with us when we vote so she can see the voting in action and get a sticker in the process. A friend recommended one of the following books to us a few days ago, so I rounded up a couple more titles that help kids learn about what it means to be part of a democracy! Here are some of those books that help talk to kids about what voting means to us as Americans.

Monster Needs Your Vote By Paul Czajak

This imonster-for-presidents a great non-partisan book about why it is important to vote, how politicians campaign and in the end standing up for what you believe in.Spoiler! Monster’s platform focuses on the importance of reading and education! It is a beautiful book with a rhyming story line. This story is a bit silly and adds in information about what happens when candidates take a misstep as they are looking to gain popularity and people’s votes.

One Vote, Two Votes, I Vote, You Vote By Bennie Worth

one-vote-two-votesWritten in the style of Dr. Seuss and with a familiar character – Cat in the Hat – this book introduces the concept of voting to young readers. It especially focuses on the presidential candidacy. It takes it a bit deeper talking about why we vote and who we vote for. Again, this is a nonpartisan look at the democratic process.

Vote for Me! By Ben Clanton

A book about a donkevote-for-mey and an elephant running for office explore the tensions between parties, the mud slinging that happens (literal in this story!) and how candidates try to persuade the voters with silly (or serious) promises. This is a book that is a more satirical view of the process. This book is recommended for grades K-2.

Whoever you are voting for, we can still all talk to kids about the process and why it is great to be a part of a democracy where we can make our voices heard.

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