Baby Powder Removes Sand. Best Kid Tip EVER.

It seems that my kids always want to take one last dip in the ocean before we head home, which means they are a tremendous sandy mess by the time we hit the car. A few years ago, I spied this woman squirting baby powder all over her kids. She likes the fresh smell? Maybe. But here’s a trick I now can’t live without:

Before you get them in the car, sprinkle your sandy kids with baby powder and then wipe off with a towel. Presto, gone. It’s so easy, you’ll freak. Works on wet or dry sand. Thank you, lady on the beach.


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5 Responses

  1. Jessie N.

    We discovered this last year! It works amazingly well, just remember to do it outside of the car… We used it so much that my car rugs were covered for months.

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