Valentine’s Day crafts: Awash yourself in squeaky clean love!

Here’s another adorable DIY Valentine’s Day gift that you can make with your kids that’s cute AND practical. Each soap can be made with a special message or unique charm. And better yet, you can make these in big batches and give them away to grandparents, teachers, siblings and moms or dads.

Homemade soap is easier to make than you may think. If you’re feeling super crafty, you can make your own glycerin soap by purchasing supplies at most craft stores. A little tight on time (or lacking in craft skills whatsoever)? Simply go to any drug store and buy the pre-wrapped clear glycerin soap bars which can be melted down into any mold or shape you desire. What should you put inside? Look for small letter blocks, rubber animals or fake flower blossoms for a cute surprise. Once you created your soapy masterpieces, tie up bundles in pretty tissue paper and ribbon. Ain’t love grand!

What you’ll need:

  • Clear glycerin soap (this only works with glycerin soap – do not substitute.)
  • Soap or candy molds
  • Charms (hearts, letters, etc.)
  • Soap dye in colors or your choice (optional; not food coloring!)
  • Fragrance (optional)
  • Microwave-safe liquid measuring cup
  • Popsicle stick or disposable stirrer (for stirring in colors)

How to make it:

  1. If using bars of soap, cut into three pieces. If using purchased glycerin blocks, cut off 2-3 pre-measured chunks.
  2. Put glycerin soap into a microwave-safe measuring cup and microwave according to package directions (or for soap bars, microwave for 20 seconds, then in 10-second intervals until melted).
  3. If you want colors or fragrance, add them at this time. Add a few drops of dye and/or fragrance and stir with a spoon. If you want the color darker, simply add more dye.
  4. Pour half the liquid soap into the mold and let it set until it’s hard enough to place the charms in the mold without them sinking to the bottom. Then, pour the remaining soap over the charms until the mold is full (you may have to reheat the soap). Set aside to harden for 45 minutes to an hour. Some soaps may harden sooner than others.
  5. After soap has cooled completely, pop them out of the molds. If you find this difficult, you can place the soap into the freezer for ten minutes and try again.

lizard_soap  heartsoap  

teardropsoaps    soaps

Looking for more Valentine’s Day ideas? Visit our Pinterest page!


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